Many of you have requested this recipe and it has been a long time coming, I have to admit. I discovered this recipe while I was studying Nutrition during one of our Food Demonstration day in one of our classes. One of my dear friends and fellow classmates whipped up this amazing pudding right before our eyes. And as soon as I had tasted it, I was hooked. I couldn’t believe something so delicious and nutritious could be so easy to make. Ever since that day, it has been a regular treat in my kitchen and I have since introduced many of my friends to this decadent, yet delicious and full of health benefits pudding. Trust me, once you try it this Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding, you will also become quickly addicted to it ;). 

But before, I share this wonderful recipe with you all (I know, I know you are dying to find out how to make this thing!), I must oblige and share with you some of its equally wonderful health benefits.

The stars of this pudding are obviously our friends superfoods: chia seeds and coconut. These two foods alone are real nutritional powerhouses!

Health Benefits of Coconut:

Coconut contains amazingly healthy fats (yes- you read that right fat and health can indeed be placed in the same sentence!). Though, coconut contains saturated fats, this type of saturated fats is also known as medium-chain triglyceride (or MCT). The body loves MCT because they are quickly transformed into energy by your delighted cells. This is why so many athletes consume MCT (they are a great source of quick energy). Another great thing about coconut is that it is rich in minerals and vitamins; such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron and, vitamin C, E and B complex vitamins. Finally, given its healthy fat content, coconut can help you feel more satisfied for a longer period of time, helping you avoid unhealthy snacks and foods.

Now for the Health Benefits of Chia Seeds:

What is chia? For those of you still unfamiliar with this superfood: Chia is an edible seed that comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family that grows abundantly in southern Mexico. Chia seeds have gained an enormous popularity in the past 2-3 years because these tiny seeds are so rich in nutrients.

They contain more omega-3 fatty acids than flax seeds! That type of polyunsaturated fats is very healthy for your whole body. It reduces inflammation, boost your immune system and help your cells function more effectively (especially essential for your brain cells and beneficial to your heart).

When added to any liquid, chia seeds will automatically swell up and form a gel-like substance. This is because they are rich in mucilaginous soluble fibers- a type of fibers that is very beneficial to your digestive system. It not only promotes a healthy digestion (and elimination- by adding some bulk to your stool) but it also promotes the health of your digestive tract and colon.

Chia seeds are also extremely popular because they are a great source of complete protein as this seed contains all 8 essential amino acids needed by your body in order to properly function.

Finally (but I could write a lot more about this Superfood :)), chia seeds are a rich source of many vitamins, minerals and a real antioxidants powerhouse. They contain vitamin C (4 times more potent than blueberries!), calcium (5 times more than milk), magnesium, phosphorous, iron, potassium and zinc (which is excellent for the health of your hair, skin and nails)! I hope you are convinced to give these tiny seeds a try. It is well worth it, trust me ;).

Now for the recipe…

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding


Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding Ingredients | Deliciously Vibrant

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding Ingredients | Deliciously Vibrant


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2-3 dates soaked in 1/2 cup of water (soak them at least for 45 min to soften them up) Don’t discard the water, we are using it too!
  • 1/4 cup of chia seeds (black or white- no real nutritional difference between the two)
  • 1 can of organic full fat coconut milk
  • 1-2 tsp of organic vanilla extract
  • Optional: another 1/4 cup of water (to adjust the thickness of the pudding)


How to:

Place the bananas, soaked dates (pits removed), soaking water, coconut milk, vanilla and the extra 1/4 cup water into your blender.

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant

Blend all the ingredients until smooth. Pour your mixture into a large bowl.

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant

And mix in the chia seeds.

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant


Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding | Deliciously Vibrant


Cover and place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

The next morning, it should have thickened up into a pudding. This recipe can last for several days into your fridge- if you manage to keep it in your fridge for more than 2 days ;).

I like to add shredded coconut, raw cacao nibs or even better coconut sugar coated raw cacao nibs on top. A pure delight!

Note: they are many other ways to create a chia seed pudding, basically any liquid added to the seeds will produce a gel-like consistency, so it could be water or even another plant-based milk.

I really hope you try it out and let me know how you liked it!

In great health,

– Sarah.

Note: This post is a part of Hey Fran Hey’s April Health, Fitness & Beauty Challenge. Who’s gonna join us? Check it here: Hey Fran Hey.