One of my favorite dishes is pasta… It has to come from my Italian side, I think :p. But then again, who doesn’t LOVE a good pasta dish, huh? I love them even more when they are quick and delicious. This recipe will show you how to make a quick and easy vegan Alfredo sauce. Oh and did I mention it is deeelicious? Well it is! Your whole family, vegan or not, will love this sauce. The traditional Alfredo sauce used to be a staple in my kitchen, but when I realized that my body does not love dairy that much (it makes me pretty bloated and makes for a pretty uncomfortable digestion process), I had to find an alternative to make it happen. There are many ways to create a delicious and creamy Alfredo sauce with no dairy products. One method uses soaked nuts. I have a recipe using that method right here: Easy Sundried Tomato Alfredo Sauce. Another method which is even quicker and yields just as much creaminess is using “silken” tofu. Because soy beans are amongst the crops that are often genetically modified, I would strongly advise to always choose organic soy for your dishes and food preparation. Silken tofu is often used for creamy desserts or creamy savory dishes such as pasta sauces, quiches or soups. It looks to me like white thick yogurt. So it’s the perfect consistency to yield a creamy Alfredo sauce. So without further ado, here is what you will need to prepare this:

Quick & Easy Alfredo Sauce

Vegan Alfredo Sauce


  • 1 pack of silken tofu (I used the “Soy” organic brand, here in France)
  • 2 cups of almond milk (unsweetened)
  • 1/2 lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
  • 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil + 1Tbsp of  extra virgin olive oil (to sauté onion & garlic)
  • 1- 2 Tbsp of garlic powder (or more- taste and test)
  • 1 clove of garlic crushed and finely chopped
  • 1/2 onion, chopped finely as well
  • sea salt & pepper to taste
  • Optional: pinch of nutmeg (I didn’t have any and it tasted great too)

How to:

Place your chopped garlic and onion in a heated pan and sauté them with a bit of olive oil until fragrant (be careful, it burns quickly if the oil is too hot). Once the onion and garlic are fragrant, place them aside. Now, place the silken tofu, almond milk, lemon juice, olive oil, your spices and sautéed onion and garlic in a blender and blend away. Taste test to adjust the sauce seasoning to your liking and that’s it! It’s ready to be poured onto your pasta dish or mixed in on the stove. Use it as you would regular Alfredo sauce, except this one will allow you to stay bloat and guilt-free ;).

Bon appétit!

*Update: To popular demand, here is the french version of the recipe 😉

Sauce crémeuse Alfredo (sans produits laitiers)


  • 1 paquet  de tofu soyeux (la marque bio “Soy”- 400gr-  est celle que j’utilise)
  • 250-300 ml de lait d’amandes non-sucré (assurez-vous qu’il n’y ait pas de sucres ajoutés)
  • 1/2 citron pour son jus
  • 2 à 3 càs d’huile d’olive extra vierge (ajustez la quantité selon votre préférence)
  • 1 à 2 càs de poudre d’ail
  • 1 gousse d’ail, finement hachée
  • 1/2 oignon, finement haché
  • sel marin ou d’Himalaya et poivre (à vous d’ajuster selon votre goût)
  • optionnel: une pincée de noix de muscade


Faites cuire votre ail et oignon hachés dans une poêle à feu moyen avec un peu d’huile d’olive jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient légèrement bruns (attention ne pas les cuire trop longtemps, ça peut vite brûler!).

Ensuite, placez tous les autres ingrédients dans un blender et ajoutez-y votre ail et oignon cuits. Mixez le tout pendant 2 à 3 minutes. Goutez votre sauce et faites les ajustements nécessaires pour l’ assaisonnement.

Une fois que c’est à votre goût, la sauce est prête! Il vous suffit de l’ajouter à vos plats de pâtes ou autres et de la réchauffer. Elle se conserve très bien au frigo dans un bocal pendant environ 5 à 6 jours.

J’espère qu’elle fera de nouveaux conquis chez vous également. Bon appétit 😉