When I got back from vacation 2 weeks ago, I found myself in a bit of a creative rut… So, to lessen my anxiety and hopefully find new inspiration & a new sense of direction, I decided to turn to Instagram (I know, bad idea!). Indeed, instead of getting inspired, I ended up feeling discouraged, frustrated, down and quite frankly even more confused! Can you relate? I’m sure you can as we’ve all been there before. Luckily, I was able to pull myself back together and step away from the negative comparison game. Don’t get me wrong, social media can be an awesome tool; but only when used wisely and strategically. If you’ve found yourself spending way too much time online as well, then you will love today’s post in which I share: 7 Effective Ways To Stop Wasting Time on Social Media. Given the hyper-digitalized and “connected” world in which we live, it’s important to be aware of how external influences can sometimes negatively impact our lives and inner well-being. With these 7 tips, you’ll learn just that. Happy reading, friends!

My first question for you is this:

Do you actually know how much time you spend online every single day?

And I am not talking about the time you spend working or making important phone calls. I am referring to the time you spend online (via your phone, tablet or computer) scrolling mindlessly through your Instagram/Facebook/Twitter or Blog Lovin’ feed.

If your answer is no. I completely get it. Most people don’t really pay attention to that information because they are convinced that it’s not that long anyways. But I dare you (after you’ve read this article) to actually begin tracking your time online. A cool app that does it automatically for you is called: Moment, for example.

Once you get your number (or if you already know it), please don’t freak out. We’ve all been there and the average person spends about 4 to 9 hours per day on their electronic device (yikes!).

However, there is hope…

The first step to fixing any problem is awareness.

Self-awareness will allow you to face the problem head-on and to pro-actively look for solutions to change the status quo.

Luckily, this article will arm you with 7 effective ways to stop the mindless scrolling and to get back to your freedom and productivity! I have personally used every single one of these tips whenever I find myself slip and slide down the rabbit hole of social media.

To further help you, I also created a Social Media Self-Care Kit, which you can grab below:

Download Free Social Media Self-Care Kit

Without further ado, let’s dive into:

7 Effective Ways To Stop Wasting Time On Social Media:

7 Effective Ways To Stop Wasting Time on Social Media

1. Develop a screen-free morning routine

How often do you reach for your phone first thing in the morning, before you even get out of bed? It’s a pretty nasty habit that many people have grown accustomed to. But just like any other habit, you can change it for something else. Here is what I suggest you try in the morning instead of reaching for your phone: read this post –> HERE.

2. Be MINDFUL with your time on social media (Set boundaries)

To become more mindful with your time on social media, I suggest you start allocating very specific moments for it throughout your day. The amount of time and when depends totally on you and your schedule. Here is an example: 20 minutes in the morning (after your morning routing), 20 minutes mid-day, 20 minutes in the evening during your commute. This is just an example. Adjust it to what feels good for you. Be honest with yourself and assess why you even go on social media in the first place…

Set up your own social media game plan, using this social media self-care kit below:

Click there to download it

3. Time yourself

When you do get on social media, please do use timers and alarm clocks to keep you accountable and aware of much time you just spent on it. I get it, we all can get sucked REALLY quickly into it and forget how long it’s been. Don’t leave it up to chance set a timer!


I cannot begin to tell you how useful this simple little hack has been to myself and anyone else who uses it. By turning off ALL notifications, you not only reduce the distractions but you also take back power in the when you decide to be on social media. Don’t let these apps own you, you are in control of your actions. Choose the time and place for each activity of your day ;).

5. Put your phone on airplane mode or leave it in another room

Another simple but very effective little trick to avoid finding yourself on your phone every few minutes is to simply put it on airplane mode when you are in focus mode or to leave it in another room. The fact that you have to get up and go get it will make you think twice about reaching for it.

6. Use websites/apps blockers

If you need extra help or if you are working from your computer, try using “apps/websites” blockers. You can set them up on your phone or desktop and they can be a great tool to keep you accountable and focused. For Facebook, I love “Kill Newsfeed”, for example and “Block Site” is another helpful one to block any website while you’re on your desktop.

7. Try a digital detox

This is a must to help you break off the automatic habit of spending your time off on your electronic devices, scrolling and looking at what other people are doing. Re-learn to enjoy yourself “screen-free” and do more activities IRL (In Real Life). Start a new hobby, develop new skills, spend time outside in Nature, volunteer, play board games, join a local sports team, etc. I mean there are so many ways to entertain ourselves and connect with others that do not require us to be glued to a screen. Test them out :).

I recommend that you schedule at least 2 monthly digital detox during which you spend 2 or more days completely without your phone or any other electronic devices. You’ll be astounded as how little you miss them once you get used to not being on them ;). Personally, I love to schedule a mini digital detox every weekend – it keeps me sane and grounded. Once again, find what works best for you.

And there you have it, guys. My 7 Effective Ways To Stop Wasting Time on Social Media.

7 Effective Ways To Stop Wasting Time on Social Media

I hope that you’ll put these tips to great use. If you do and would like to share them, feel free to grab your FREE social media self-care kit below for yourself and to share with anyone else who might benefit from them as well!


And of course, if you have more tips that have worked for you, feel free to share them in the comments below. I can’t wait to read them!

Stay vibrant!


7 Effective Ways To Stop Wasting Time on Social Media