Do you find yourself constantly bloated after a meal or passing a lot of gas? Well, know that you’re not the only one (literally millions of people do too) and these embarrassing symptoms can be eliminated naturally once you address their root cause(s). Indeed, although we all experience some level of gas daily (from swallowed air), experiencing an excessive amount of gas and bloating is not only uncomfortable, but it is also a sign that something is out of balance within your body. That’s why today I am sharing with you: How to Get Rid of Excessive Gas & Bloating via 8 natural tips! Let’s get rid of these uncomfortable gas issues, shall we?

Disclaimer: Please note that if after following some of these tips you are still experiencing an uncomfortable and excessive amount of gas and bloating, then I would strongly recommend that you consult your favourite healthcare practitioner (medical doctor, naturopath or holistic nutritionist). Indeed, you might need extra testing done to determine if there is not something more severe happening. So, please if you think that is the case, visit a healthcare practitioner for proper guidance.

That being said, most of you will be able to find immediate relief from the tips I will be sharing with you today because they address some of the root causes leading to frequent gas and bloating.

Indeed, excessive gas and bloating is due to the fermentation of undigested food particles by the bacteria living within your gut.

And this fermentation can happen for several reasons:

  • low HCl (aka hydrochloric acid – found in your stomach)
  • not having enough pancreatic enzymes (which digest your food)
  • dysbiosis (an imbalance of bacteria, yeast or parasites within your digestive system)
  • any food sensitivities (e.g. lactose-intolerance, gluten sensitivity, dairy sensitivity, etc)
  • impaired digestion via stress
  • too much fiber in your diet (note that fiber is still healthy for you *more on that below)

These are some of the most common reasons for excessive gas and bloating. And I’ve got 8 natural ways for you to help reduce (or eliminate) painful and uncomfortable gas and bloating.

So let’s begin. Here is:

How To Get Rid Of Excessive Gas & Bloating

How To Get Rid Of Excessive Gas & Bloating (8 Natural Tips)

1. Chew better & eat more slowly

This is the first tip I always give to anyone experiencing any digestive issues (whether it’s gas, bloating, indigestion or belching). When you chew your food properly (by simply slowing down when you eat), you begin to activate salivary enzymes in your mouth, which starts the digestive process. Plus when you chew your food properly, you mechanically break it down so that it’s easier for your stomach to do its job. So, please learn to be mindful when you eat and to slow down.

2. Increase your fiber intake GRADUALLY

If you’re not used to consuming a diet rich in fibers (e.g. salads, veggie sides, whole grains, raw desserts, nuts, seeds…), it might be hard for your body to assimilate and break down these dietary fibers. So you want to start slowly by steaming your veggies, making soups or smoothies. Then take care of reinforcing your internal gut flora (with the tips below). Once that’s done, slowly but surely increase your intake of dietary fibers.

3. Supplement with probiotics

That’s the first way to strengthen your intestinal flora to help better digest your food. Find some good quality probiotics at your local health food store or on Amazon (click to see the brand I love). You can also incorporate more probiotic-rich foods within your diet. Both of these methods will help improve your digestion and thus decrease gas and bloating.

4. Explore any food sensitivities

You might be experiencing excessive and gas and bloating because you are intolerant or sensitive to certain foods. For some people it’s lactose (or dairy), while for others it’s gluten, wheat or sugars. To find out which foods you might be sensitive to, try an elimination diet (ask your favourite nutritionist for help or see try my 10-day sugar detox to help with that). For a period of 2 weeks, remove these foods (1 at a time) and see how your body reacts once you re-introduce them. If you find out, that you do have several food sensitivities, check to see if you have any dysbiosis (ask your healthcare practitioner for a test).

5. Take digestive enzymes

Another reason why you may not be able to properly digest your food is not having enough pancreatic enzymes. So to help you prevent any gas, you can try taking digestive enzymes as a supplement with your meals. There are several forms (bromelain, papaya, etc). Ask your local pharmacy or health food store.

6. De-gas your beans

Especially if you are not used to eating them frequently, your body may not be able to properly digest them. Plus, all beans contain a substance called phytic acid, which helps to hold their nutrients. Soaking (or sprouting) your beans help to release the nutrients contained in them and makes them more easily assimilated by your body. You can soak your beans in water for 4 to 12 hours (depending on the bean), then drain off the water, replace it with new water and soak until they are soft. During the cooking, you can also add ginger or kombu (a Japanese sea vegetable) to help reduce gas.

7. Use Ginger, fennel and anise

These 3 spices are wonderful for any digestive discomfort or issues. And so when it comes to bloating and gas, they are invaluable tools to reduce it. Try a few slices of fresh ginger into a pot of boiling water to steep them and drink it as an infusion. Or simply add some ginger into your meals as a condiment. As for fennel and anise, you can consume them as herbal infusions as well, or simply chew on their seeds to relieve gas.

8. Add herbs into your diet

Using fresh herbs (and spices) has been used for thousands of years to aid digestion and add flavours to any meals. There exists a variety of herbs, which can help alleviate digestive discomfort or gas. Try: basil, coriander, parsley, thyme, celery seeds, peppermint, fennel, caraway seeds, cardamom seed, oregano or marjoram (to name a few). Use them both fresh and/or dry to season your dishes or create herbal infusions from them too to reduce any gas or bloating.

And there you have it, 8 easy ways to help you get rid of excessive gas and bloating. Please let me know which one you personally have used in the past or are currently using to relieve any gas or digestive discomfort.

And once again, if you experience extreme pain from gas, consult your favourite healthcare practitioner to do more tests and find out if there is any underlying issue that is not being addressed yet.

In the meantime, I hope these help ;).

Stay vibrant,
