Even though, the sun has been toted as our enemy in the past few years, I am here to tell you that you should learn to expose yourself daily to the sun, but safely (of course)! Indeed, there are many ways to enjoy being in the sun without harming your skin’s health and while protecting it too! Today, I’d like to share with you some of my favourite Natural Ways To Protect Your Skin IN The Sun that do not require you to fear the sun, nor rely on toxic sunblock creams/lotions (more on that in the post below) …

Despite all of the bad rep that the sun has been getting over the past few years, I still expose my skin to the sun without sunscreen daily! And in this post, I will share with you why and how you can do so, safely for your skin complexion as well.

Now, before you raise your eyebrows at me, please hear me out. Though I do not always wear daily sunscreen does not mean that I do not care for my skin while in the sun.. In fact, it is quite the opposite: I am very careful with the way I expose my skin to the sun because the truth is that:

Safe sun exposure is actually GOOD and even HEALTHY for you!

Natural Ways To Protect Your Skin In The Sun

Why? Because it allows your body to naturally re-energize itself (quite literally too), get glowing skin and to produce vitamin D, which is an essential micronutrient for the health of your whole body.

Here are some of the health benefits of Vitamin D:

  • maintains the health of your bones and teeth!
  • prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases
  • prevents MS and other vitamin D deficiency-linked diseases
  • supports the health of your brain, nervous and immune system
  • is important for proper lung function and for your cardiovascular system
  • reduces the risk of diabetes
  • is essential for fetuses and infants development

As you can see vitamin D is a very important nutrient and yet so many people are not getting enough of it. Sure, you can take supplements or get it from your diet, but:

getting proper sun exposure is one of the best ways for your body to naturally synthesize it!

Hence why I’ve been practising safe sun exposure for many years now, and without any issues. Now, let me share with you a few reasons why I’ve been completely at ease with my friend Mr. Sun:

  1. Melanin is on my side ;). The more melanin your skin naturally contains, the more it can withstand some sun safe sun exposure without getting burnt. That being said, you should still practise tip #2 down below ;).
  2. Sunbathing for hours on end and getting toasted in the sun was never a thing for me (I get bored easily just laying there in the sun, I’d rather go for a hike or swim, i.e. be active while in the sun).
  3. When I know I will be in the sun for a prolonged amount of time, I used natural ways to avoid putting my skin at risk…

Natural Ways To Protect Your Skin In The Sun

These tricks can be beneficial for anybody out there. Whether you have a fair skin complexion or a darker one. Indeed, every body produces some melanin (when exposed to the sun), which is what causes you to get “tanned”. When you practise safe sun exposure, melanin is an excellent and natural photo-protection mechanism to prevents you from getting burned in the sun (see Nadine Artemis’ podcast interview about this: HERE).

That being said, for those of you with fairer skin tones or simply those of you, who have not worked up your tolerance to the sun rays, it is still important to be wise with the way that you expose your skin to the sun.

Your skin tone, the time of the day, the length of time and your diet are all factors that will influence how your skin reacts in the sun.

This is why I’d like to share with you my top:


1. Eat Your SPF:

Did you know that the foods you eat will greatly influence how your skin reacts to the sun rays? Favouring sun-ripened fruits and vegetables to get your sun protection internally is a great natural way to protect your skin in the sun. Foods such as tomatoes, watermelons, red, orange, yellow bell peppers, apricots, leafy greens, avocados, etc are all rich in antioxidants and other micronutrients that naturally help protect your skin in the sun.

Natural Ways To Protect Your Skin In The Sun

Here are some of my favourite ways to get my SPF internally in the Summer, click: HERE.

2. Gradually Build Up Your Skin’s Tolerance:

Starting in the Spring, slowly increase the melanin in your skin and build up your sun tolerance by exposing yourself to the sun in small doses when the sun is not that strong. This will help you get healthy tanned skin as opposed to getting toasted/burnt in the sun.

In addition to that, there are some self-care practices that you can do to properly care for your skin all year long and especially pre-Summer. Check out my tips in: THIS ARTICLEHERE.

3. Time It Right:

In the Summer, avoid exposing your skin to the sun when it’s the strongest. Favour morning and late afternoon sun exposure (especially, if you are doing so without any sunscreen/ sun protection). Avoid exposure with the sun during its peak hours.

You can check out the D minder app (free) to help you know at which time of the day, the sun is at its strongest in your region of the world. Check out the app: HERE.

4. Use Clothing & Accessories:

If you are going to be in the sun during its peak hours, then simply use appropriate clothing and accessories to protect your skin and so wear some sunblock/sunscreen if your skin needs it and is really sensitive to the sun. I love to wear big hats, long and light flowy materials and sunglasses too, when appropriate.

5. Get In That Shade:

When all else fails, another great way to protect your skin from the sun is simply to stay in shaded areas! I know it sounds basic but it makes a big difference. Use buildings, trees, or [sun] umbrellas to avoid getting skin damage.

6. Natural Sunscreens*:

This is truly my last resort as some sunscreens can also block the UVB rays, which your skin needs to create vit D. Not only that, but most conventional sunscreens contain several ingredients, which are not ideal for the health of your body, nor your skin! Fun fact: I may have gotten sunburnt twice in my whole life and one of those times was actually caused by sunblock as it contained an ingredient, which made my skin even more photosensitive, i.e. more likely to burn. Lesson learned – always check the ingredients carefully :/).

Finally, most sunscreens might protect you from UVB rays, but they do nothing for UVA rays… Hence why I personally do not use sunscreens that often, unless I know my skin will be fully exposed to the sun rays for a long period of time. Usually, I will also do my best to find an effective and natural brand. I have tried and enjoyed these brands before: MANDA or Living Libations.They contain safe ingredients and will do the job without intoxicating your skin. If you know of any other ones, please leave the names in the comments below :).

I hope that you find these simple tips helpful. Remember that the sun isn’t the enemy and rather than fearing it, simply take care of your skin internally (via diet) and externally. Practise safe and SMART sun exposure to allow your body the gift of vitamin D, while protecting your skin too!

Natural Ways To Protect Your Skin In The Sun

If you have any other tips, please share them in the comments below.

Stay vibrant,


Natural Ways To Protect Your Skin In The Sun
Natural Ways To Protect Your Skin In The Sun