Constipation. Let’s talk about it. The ideal frequency of bowel movements is 1 to 3 stools per day. If you don’t fall within that category, then you might be suffering from mild & temporary to severe & chronic constipation. Constipation sucks. It makes us feel stuffed, bloated, irritable and just un-easy. So today, I want to share with you my top 5 natural ways to alleviate constipation. 

Constipation can be caused by a lot of different factors. Here are a few examples:

  • poor dietary choices
  • dehydration
  • stress
  • endocrine imbalance (hormonal)
  • psychological block
  • sedentarism
  • medications
  • IBS or any other digestive disorder

In today’s article, I’d like to share with you my top 5 natural tips to alleviate constipation. If you have tried all 5 and are still not able to find relief, then I would strongly encourage you to consult your preferred and trusted health care practitioner.

Indeed, your body needs to release at least once per day to function optimally. Otherwise, there is a high chance of toxins being re-absorbed via the colon, which further increases internal inflammation and disease.

To avoid such a situation, here are:

5 Natural Ways to Alleviate Constipation

5 Natural Ways to Alleviate Constipation

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

In most cases, constipation is due to lack of enough fluids within the digestive system to move things along. Water plays a primordial role in making sure your stool is soft enough to be evacuated with ease and effortlessly. Make sure that you drink frequently throughout the day (in between meals is more ideal) and aim for at least 2-3 L of water per day.

2. Dietary Fibers

That’s another important factor in promoting peristalsis (the natural contraction/relaxation movement) of the digestive system. Dietary fibers also provide bulk to form your stool and to cleanse the walls of your small and large intestines. Most people don’t consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables and this often causes constipation. I always recommend that you fill up at least 1/2 of your plate with fresh veggies at every meal. Alternatively, you can also consume nuts and seeds with your morning smoothies or mid-day snack to add more natural dietary fibers into your daily diet.

3. Daily Movement

Many people really underestimate the power of daily movement in helping you to move things along in the colon. Daily movement can be anything from going for a daily 15-minute to dancing, swimming or hitting the gym. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy and make it a habit to move your body on a daily basis. It will do wonders in promoting peristalsis as well and it has many other great health benefits for your body. Note: yoga is fine too.

4. Nurture Your Gut

Taking care of your gut bacteria is another important factor in making sure that you have frequent daily bowel movements. Try consuming some probiotics-rich foods on a daily basis or alternatively, take a good quality probiotic supplement to work in conjunction with a healthy and fibre-rich whole foods diet.

Here are few examples of probiotics-rich foods: sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented veggies, tempeh, miso, or kombucha (watch for the sugar content when store-bought).

5. Reduce Your Stress Levels

This is one of the most common reasons why many people today are constipated. They are constantly rushing around, worried and stressed out. This is not conducive to helping your body relax so that it can release. Your body is either in rest & digest mode or in fight or flight mode. When it is in the latter, it will not focus on proper digestive and rejuvenating functions. Therefore, you will not be able to have a proper bowel movement.

Learn to wake up 30 minutes to 1 hour earlier in the morning to give yourself the proper me-time to relax and sit on the toilet. Try having a few magazines, listening to relaxing music or read a book when in the toilet. It’s a great way to help your colon relax and release ;).

And there you have it: 5 natural tips to alleviate constipation.

These are my go-to tips to encourage frequent bowel movements. What’s your favourite way to alleviate constipation? If you got any other natural tips, feel free to add them down below. You never know who else it might help.

Until next time.

Stay vibrant.



5 Natural Ways to Alleviate Constipation